
Here is an invitation about a presentation/event in TEI (thanks, my friend Spyros for forwarding it to me). I find the topic very interesting and I would recommend it to you. I hope I will be able to join it, too.

Παρασκευή 30 Νοέμβρη & ώρα 20:00, στο Συνεδριακό Κέντρο του Τ.Ε.Ι.
Ομιλητής: Χαράλαμπος Νούτσος (Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων) με θέμα:
Ρατσισμός-Κοινωνικός αποκλεισμός-Ο ρόλος της εκπαίδευσης

(Πρωτοβουλία Φοιτητών, Τ.Ε.Ι Ηγουμενίτσας)


Vandalism is a form of delinquency...

I was exremely disappointed when I saw on TV that my school in Athens, Pagrati (where I spent all my school yeers and where I graduated from) was vandalised by unknown malicious "bullies". I am not sure if this is a way to protest against the bad "system". There are other more respectful ways to fight against the things you don't like, instead of destroying or defacing public or private property. Those people are dependent on their stupidity and immaturity or perhaps it is their "job" to incite riots, receiving payment for their underhanded actions. "A hero's most epic battle is the one you never see" (Kevin Smith-writer, 2006). Think about it and express your opinions...

Happy name day wishes!

Happy name day to Katerina, Stelios and Stella!

4th and 5th December: all TEIs closed?

I have read that all Technological Departments will not operate on December 4th and 5th, as a way to complain about the policies implemented by the Ministry of Education. This is an announcement presented online (alfavita.gr portal), so you could check it by yourselves.


What the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs stated about "Colleges" and Universities

If you are interested in having a look at what Mr. Stylianidis said among other things about "Colleges" and Universities read his interview in Eleftheros Typos newspaper (25/11/07).
I think that as students you should repeatedly be informed about issues that concern your present and future...
(source: alfavita.gr)

Safer Internet

I am sure that most of you make use of the internet, but have you ever thought of some of its dangers? Safer Internet (Διαδικτυακός Τόπος Ελληνικού Κόμβου Ασφαλούς Δικτύου) provides you with some highly useful advice on the wise use of the Internet.
You could also view some information on blogging, since this is a blog and we should all be aware of its potential advantages and disadvantages, too.

A plain language guide to Eurojargon

In this inclusive list you could find the explanations/descriptions of several EU terms. Also take a look at the translations of the terms in all EU official languages.
At our first sessions, while talking about the historical background of the EU, we referred to one of its founding fathers, namely Robert Schuman. You could have a look at him and his popular speech at http://europa.eu/abc/history/index_en.htm

The three Ds: Democracy, Dialogue, Debate

You are an EU citizen, so your voice should be heard. You can participate in the EU forum, where you could express your opinions about several topics that might be of interest to you.

Problem with some email addresses

There seems to be a problem with some of your emails, so please I would like you to send me an email, in order for me to check your email addresses. I cannot send any messages to Klarita and Ilias I am afraid, so please do bother to inform me of your correct addresses. If there is someone else who has noted down their email address and still does not receive my emails, please let me know.

EU tube: sharing the sights and sounds of Europe

Why not take a look at EU YouTube, where you could watch interesting videos? You could also visit http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=UvRznNKYl08, a video presenting the history of the European Union in a successful and pleasant way. I think it is worth viewing.

100.000 calls to Europe Direct in 2007

Europe Direct, the European Commission's information hotline, received its 100.000th question this year on 13th November. The question came from Ms. Sandrine Jean from the South of France who rang EUROPE DIRECT's free-phone number 00800 6 7 8 9 10 11 and asked: "I am calling from the Social and cultural centre ODYSSEE in Gard (France). We would be interested to know if workers from Poland still need to obtain a work permit and a residence card in France. Can you help?" The question was promptly answered by Rasa, one of the information officers of the Contact Centre's multilingual staff.
This is a new record result for EUROPE DIRECT. Margot Wallström, Vice President of the European Commission, in charge of the communication policy, said: “EUROPE DIRECT is there for citizens. It connects the EU with them, answers their questions and listens to their concerns. I would like to see more and more people use it".
On the day EUROPE DIRECT received its 100.000th query for 2007, the service was also contacted by citizens from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Spain, Poland, Romania, Denmark, Greece, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Portugal, Finland, Latin America, Asia and Africa.
What is the EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre?
EUROPE DIRECT was launched in 1998. The single telephone number 00800 6 7 8 9 10 11 is accessible to everyone in the EU and covers all EU official languages.
Questions received by email are answered within 3 working days on average. For more complex queries, an answer may be requested from an expert in the relevant policy area. The Contact Centre also offers a web assistance service which gives citizens on-line help.
Popular topics
In 2007, a significant number of enquiries were related to Internal Market issues (such as travelling, working and studying abroad), general questions on the EU institutions and questions on the roaming regulation. Air Passengers’ Rights account for an important number of enquiries. Currently, the number of questions on the Reform Treaty is on the rise.
In addition to general requests on the EU, the EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre is also the main entry point for questions on the 7th Framework Programme for Research, for enquiries of the Export Helpdesk for Developing Countries and for questions on the Internal Market (Citizens Signpost Service).
Who contacts the EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre?
The profile of users of the EUROPE DIRECT service ranges from students preparing for essays to pensioners requesting information on retirement issues in an EU country other than their own. Entrepreneurs running small and medium enterprises (SMEs) ask about funding to start up or expand their companies, whilst professionals seek advice on EU directives and regulations.
General information
The opening hours of the service are Mondays to Fridays from 9.h00 to 18h30 CET. Outside these hours, users may leave a message on the EUROPE DIRECT voicemail system. The service offers:
A single free phone number (00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11) which can be reached from anywhere in the 27 Member States.
An e-mail and web assistance service accessible through the website:
For more information visit:

Mid-term exam: topics to be covered

Dear students,
since we missed our session the previous week, I would like to inform you that the mid-term exam will cover topics taken from practice lessons 1-4 (not 5) and theory lessons 1-5, as was originally scheduled.
Don't forget that those of you who are interested in sitting the exam, should proceed to classroom 3 on Monday 3rd at 16:00 p.m. The theory session will be properly held at 17:45.
For any questiond do not hesitate to contact me or ask me tomorrow.

International Day for the Elimination of violence Against Women: Children's drawings exhibition in Brussels

Brussels, 23 November 2007

More than 10,000 children, aged between 8 and 10, from all corners of the globe, have participated to a drawing competition on the theme of gender equality, launched by the European Commission on March 8, 2007, on the occasion of the Women's International Day. The drawings of the finalists that censured the violence against women will be exhibited in Brussels from November 26 to December, 7 2007.
"Protecting women's rights and empowering them as decision-makers are fundamental principles of the European Union's work across the globe" Ms Benita FERRERO WALDNER, European Commissioner External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy.

I hope that we will have the chance to take a look at these paintings on the EU website. It would really be very interesting to view the way children understand this serious social phenomenon.

Hi, again!

Dear students,
I hope you had a wonderful time during the previous weekend. The celebration of the 34th anniversary of November 17th students' insurrection gave us a chance to take some days off, but what's more important, it should make us realise that the future strongly depends on the action of young people!!! I strongly believe that we all have the power to change the things that we don't like in this world. Things that have happened and are still happening right now and around us. For this reason I am quoting my favourite sentence taken from George Bernard Shaw (1921) -an Irish dramatist and socialist:
You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?" which in Greek reads as follows: «Οι άνθρωποι βλέπουν πώς είναι τα πράγματα στον κόσμο και ρωτούν, γιατί; Εγώ βλέπω τα πράγματα έτσι όπως θα μπορούσαν να είναι και ρωτώ, γιατί όχι;». . .


New discoveries...personal experiences

Dear students,
I have also added some slideshows with pictures from places I have visited in the past. Of course these photos are not personal, since I have not yet experimented on creating my private slideshow. Scotland and Ireland are two of my favourite countries, because of their interesting culture and nice people. Whitby (near York in the UK) is a place I visited this summer and it ticks all the boxes for me! Its mystical, gothic and medieval elements and its outstanding landscape makes this place the best I have ever visited...Still, it is a matter of personal taste. It's really wonderful to have the chance to travel abroad and find out so many different things about new cultures, people and places...Before finishing your studies, ERASMUS exchange programme could provide you with this opportunity!

Your rights as an EU citizen

Last week at the theory session, while discussing about the four freedoms of movement, we referred to the free movement of people and their rights to reside, work, study or travel to another EU country.
For more information on these rights, see http://ec.europa.eu/youreurope/nav/en/citizens/index.html

EU portal: a good chance to interrelate texts

You should have in mind that the official portal of the European Union offers an outstanding opportunity to view texts in all 23 EU official languages, so you could compare texts and practise your translation skills, for example.

Learn about Greek MEPs

In 2004 some of you might already have voted for the MEPs (members of the European Parliament. In 2009 you will be asked to vote for the new MEPs, so you could have a look at those who represent our country in the European Parliament. Take a moment and learn more things about them at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/members/public/geoSearch/search.do?country=GR&language=EN

European Parliament live!

If you are interested in watching a video presenting a live plenary session, visit http://www.europarl.europa.eu/wps-europarl-internet/faces/vod/player.jsp.
The same video is available in all 23 EU official languages and it offers a good opportunity to practise your listening skills and find out whether you stand a good chance to become a competent interpreter...

Commissioners' blogs

Would you like to view some of the Commissioners' blogs?
Then why don't you take a look at: http://ec.europa.eu/news/environment/071114_1_en.htm

EU calls time on misleading airline ticket websites

Clampdown on airline ticket websites that use misleading advertising and unfair practices to lure buyers into booking flights.
Tempted by the 'unbeatable prices and 'unmissable deals' that airlines offer if you book online? You may be. At least, that is, until you read the small print.
Free or cut-price tickets that turn out not to be available; airport taxes and other hidden costs; insurance that's automatically added unless you opt out – these are just some of the unlawful practices the EU has found on over 50% of the websites checked.
The 'airline sweep', carried out by 15 EU countries on 24-28 September, was more than just a fact-finding exercise – the goal is to enforce consumer rights. "Whether in Brussels or Barcelona, Munich or Manchester, consumers deserve clear and fair pricing and no hidden surprises in the small print of contract terms" said EU consumer protection commissioner Meglena Kuneva.
National enforcement authorities examined 447 websites of Europe's leading airlines, low cost carriers as well as other websites selling airline tickets, of which 226 were flagged as breaching consumer protection law. The companies involved have now been given four months to correct irregularities. The idea is to keep the names of the companies secret for this period, to encourage them to act. But Ms Kuneva has made it clear she will not hesitate to name and shame those who fail to take the necessary steps by the January deadline. Those who don't toe the line may be fined, or have their websites shut down.
Spain's consumer rights watchdog has already announced that it found misleading information on 7 out of 12 airline ticket sales websites, including some very well known low-cost airlines.
EU-wide intervention in this matter is considered vital as the customers buying online tickets are often located in a different country to the seller. In fact, the investigation revealed 63 cross-border cases – that's almost a third of all infringements.
Consumer protection in the EU


Consultation of Legal Council (in Greek)

You can see the content of the consultation about the validation of language certificates at http://www.alfavita.gr/ASEP/nskGlosses.pdf


EU institutions

For more information on EU institutions check http://www.europa.eu/institutions/index_en.htm.

Mid-term exam

Dear students,
I would like to remind you that those of you who are interested in sitting the mid-term exam should prepare the first five practice and theory lessons. The exam will be held on December 3rd, and it is optional. Please keep in mind that once you sit the exam you will have no right to change your grade in February, which means that you should get well prepared for it.
There will also be an announcement on TEI's bulletin board.


Say "NO" to the EU!!!

If you are interested to express your full support for the proposal of the EU's Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas to reject the authorisation of the two varieties of GM (genetically modified) maize developed by the chemical companies Syngenta and Pioneer/Dow. Scientists, you could contact the Commissioners at the following link: http://www.greenpeace.org/greece/news/europe-gmo-free. Below you can view the text to be sent in both Greek and English. It is very important to stress your voice against policies that might prove dangerous for the health of EU citizens.

Αξιότιμοι Επίτροποι,
Σας γράφω για να εκφράσω την πλήρη υποστήριξη μου στην πρόταση του Επιτρόπου αρμόδιου για το περιβάλλον, κου Σταύρου Δήμα, να απορρίψει την άδεια των δύο ποικιλιών μεταλλαγμένου καλαμποκιού (Bt11 και 1507) των αγρο-χημικών εταιρειών Syngenta και Pioneer/Dow. Οι επιστήμονες αποκάλυψαν πρόσφατα ότι αυτά τα μεταλλαγμένα καλαμπόκια έχουν αρνητικές επιπτώσεις στο περιβάλλον και μπορούν να προκαλέσουν πολύ περισσότερες βλάβες από ότι αρχικά εκτιμούσαν. Σας καλώ να λάβετε σοβαρά υπόψη τα επιστημονικά στοιχεία και να εξασφαλίσετε ότι αυτά τα επικίνδυνα καλαμπόκια, των οποίων οι επιπτώσεις παραμένουν απρόβλεπτες, δεν θα καλλιεργηθούν για εμπορικούς σκοπούς στην Ευρώπη. Αυτή η προληπτική τοποθέτηση είναι σύμφωνη με τη στάση όλο και περισσότερων κρατών-μελών που έχουν ήδη προχωρήσει σε εθνικές απαγορεύσεις ή έχουν παγώσει την καλλιέργεια των μεταλλαγμένων. Απορρίπτοντας αυτές τις αιτήσεις, ο Επίτροπος ενεργεί σύμφωνα με την ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία και συγκεκριμένα εφαρμόζει την Αρχή Προφύλαξης σεβόμενος τις διατάξεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης σχετικά με την αξιολόγηση των κινδύνων. Η πλειονότητα των ευρωπαίων πολιτών έχουν επανειλημμένα δηλώσει ότι δεν θέλουν να καλλιεργούνται μεταλλαγμένα στην Ευρώπη. Περιμένω από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή να θέσει την ασφάλεια του περιβάλλοντος και της υγείας των πολιτών πάνω από τα εμπορικά συμφέροντα των δύο αγρο-χημικών εταιρειών. Σας καλώ να υποστηρίξετε την πρόταση του Επιτρόπου, κου Σταύρου Δήμα, σχετικά με την άρνηση αδειοδότησης των δύο μεταλλαγμένων καλαμποκιών.

Dear European Commissioners, I am writing to express my full support for the proposal of the EU's Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas to reject the authorisation of the two varieties of GM (genetically modified) maize (Bt 11 and 1507) developed by the chemical companies Syngenta and Pioneer/Dow. Scientists have recently shown that these GMOs have negative impacts on the environment and can cause more damage than previously thought. I urge you to take these scientific findings into consideration and to ensure that these risky crops, whose real consequences are unpredictable, will not be cultivated commercially in Europe. Such a precautionary approach would be in line with the stance of a growing number of EU Member States that have banned or suspended the cultivation of GMOs. By rejecting these authorisations, the Commission would be acting in compliance with EU legislative requirements, namely implementing the precautionary principle and respecting the EU's provisions on risk assessment. The majority of European citizens have continuously stated that they do not want GMOs to be grown in Europe. I expect the European Commission to put environmental safety and the health of its citizens before the commercial interests of two chemical companies. I call on you to put the environment and health first and support the proposal by Commissioner Dimas not to authorise these new GM maize varieties.


Presenation on blogging activities

Some of you have asked me about my presentation given during the 2nd International Conference on Teaching English in Tertiary Education, held in Igoumenitsa on 7th-8th June 2007. Well, you can view it at http://intelligentq.net/castpress/?p=114. It is hosted by the site of Hellenes Educators, a very interesting site created by Greek Educators and addressing to those who would like to learn more about technologies in the field of education.

European Qualification Framework

There is a new announcement on the educational site of alfavita.gr (it is a portal addressing to teachers of all levels) which refers to the European Qualification Framework. You can learn more at http://www.alfavita.gr/tritobatmia/tr20071111a.php (greek version).


I have given it a good try till now...Well, I hope that the blog is not so awful, so you will be taking a look occasionally! I would like to let you know that there is no need to visit it every day, since it is very difficult for me to make daily postings, mainly due to lack of time. I think it would be better to check my blog at the end of the week. There are still more things I need to learn and make it more attractive and practical. Don't hesitate to add your comments by clicking at the relevant button, found under each posting.


At the following address you can view a calendar including some interesting events. The calendar is updated regularly. It is the first time I am creating a calendar, so it needs lots of improvement.

If you are interested in completing my calendar or you would like to create your own, just visit http://www.mycalendar.net/index.html.

The EU is next to you...

Do you think that getting in contact with the EU is impossible or difficult? Well, you could find any information you wish or ask your queries anytime you want. All you should do is visit http://ec.europa.eu/europedirect/index_en.htm and there you can follow the steps recommended.
At http://europa.eu/agencies/inyourcountry/index_en.htm#greece you can find out how you could contact EU agencies in Greece.

Do you want to play?

If you are interested in playing EU games and try EU quizzes you could visit http://www.europa.eu/europago/welcome.jsp. You need a PC of your own so that you could spend plenty of time, because believe me...once you get started you want to play more!

2007 - European Year of Equal Opportunities for All

Imagine how dull life would be if we were all the same! Young, old, man, woman, gay, lesbian, white, black, disabilities or no disabilities, believers and non-believers, diversity is what makes the world interesting and exciting - something the EU has long understood!That's why it passed laws to make it illegal to discriminate against someone because of their gender, racial and ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age and disability. So what does this mean? Basically that everyone in the European Union is protected against these types of discrimination - only many people don't know it.
So as well as passing new laws, the EU is busy informing as many people as possible about their rights. In this the 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All massive action campaigns have been organised. A huge blue and yellow truck is travelling throughout Europe telling people about their rights, competitions are being organised for schools, 100s of local organisations are on board organising everything from festivals to photos exhibitions to football tournaments all under the banner of a more equal Europe!You can play a part if you want, so visit the following URLs: http://equality2007.europa.eu/,
You could also view an interesting video provided by YouTube at http://uk.youtube.com/user/eutube

Monday's session

On Monday we will discuss about the EU institutions. This is one of the most important units, so please be on time! Don't forget that there is some homework for you assigned from the previous session, so you are kindly requested to complete the exercises, so that we can correct them quickly and go on to the next unit. In the theory session we will discuss about the four freedoms of movement that are valid in the EU.

This new blog...

I have been trying lately to create a new blog which will serve the needs of my new class in TEI. This will make things easier for me and my students, because I will not have to send a large number of emails to them; instead they could visit the blog from time to time checking for new announcememts, postings and news about the course. I think it could work well...